The closer I get to my start date for school the more I ask God, "Is this what you want me to do?" When He sees me getting in my quiet time position He probably says, "Oh, here she comes again acting like she doesn't know what to do." I guess my search for approval comes from making so many mistakes. At this point in my life I cannot afford to take any road that is not paved for me.
All joking aside, God always listens to me and answers me because He knows that I am being cautious. He knows that it is not Him that I don't trust. It is myself. The reason I have made so many mistakes is that I did not take the time to be still enough and wait on God's direction. Sometimes...or shall I say, most of the time His answer is not what I wanted to hear. Funny how off we can be in determining how God would want us to go. Isaiah 55:8 says, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. How plain can that be? This is why this morning as I prayed about school He again let me know that I have to trust that He has my back. I have to step out, no matter how nervous I may be and trust that He will not let me sink if I keep my eyes on Him.
As I read in the book of James this morning something was made very clear to me, " by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead" and "As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead." If you need to verify that it is in James 2 verses 17 & 26. So there was my answer. All I could say is, "Wow!" Kinda of scary when you think about it. He really does see all and hears all.
Now let me tell you that I am not confused about the faith and deed thing. I know that I cannot work my way to heaven and I cannot work my way in to get what I want from God. I also know that I cannot say I have faith and just sit on my tush and do nothing. Faith mean that I trust God to direct my path. Faith means I know when to be still and I know when to step out. Faith means for every step forward I make, God makes two more for me. Faith means that those who wish to see me fail will only be a stepping stone towards my success. Faith mean I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Faith means not my will but His.
This morning I am taking a step of faith. I am believing that God will go before me and shine His favor upon my life. As I step out I know that for every "no" there is a "yes". Today my faith and my deeds will marry and I know that whether in this life or the next, I will see the promises of God alive and well.
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